Writing Again

A little less than 3 years have passed now since my last blog post. It was a difficult one to write, as it was about the worst period of my life so far: I lost my dad, quite unexpectedly, 4 months after the birth of my first child.

What started as the most amazing year for me ended up being a little bit awkward, as I discovered a lot of things about the inner workings of my family (in the “cliché-esque” sense of a typical African family) after the passing of my father, which I didn’t like at all. One just learns how to deal with this kind of stuff “on the job” right?

I am not very good at expressing my feelings out loud to other people. But I am quite comfortable doing it in writing (and in the most public way that is a blog post on the internet…weird). And I can tell you, fellow reader, that during that period, dealing with members of my family felt very stressful for me. I lived many stressful situations before, from weeks of hunger in my childhood (I will write about that soon), to uncertainty about studying engineering abroad in my teenage years, but none was comparable. It was a strange mixture of disappointment, sadness, anger, and obligation. Luckily, I had the constant joy of daily interacting with my newborn child, which made a huge difference in how I managed to not lose myself to these feelings. However, a few things lost their meaning to me. I disappeared from social media (deleted my Facebook account!), stopped writing articles for my blog, stopped playing around with new technologies, stopped reading anything that used to nourrish my passion for learning, and many more.

But here we are, 3 years later, i’ve learned to live with the void now, I’ve slowly regained interest to things that stimulate my mind, and now I am ready to start writing about them again. As this year started with a huge amount of interesting and over-hyped topics in the technological sphere, I expect to have a lot to learn and comment on that front. This short blog post is setting the motivation for exciting texts to come.

P.S: I promise, this text has not been generated by an AI language model, small, medium or large ;).

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